Friday, August 15, 2014


27. WildFire

You have seen the destruction on the news. Acres upon acres destroyed in blazing fires. Homes lost, lives ruined, and people put into panic fear. Like war, the threat of fire is something we all face at some level. Taking a realistic approch to this danger, Global Star software has created a game which will help you live and experience what the professionals have to deal with.
You will have a limited number of men and a fire to contain with all of the natural uncertainties. Wind, weather, and lightning are just some of the threats. You will have to manage where the retardant is dropped, where the men are stationed and when to use bulldozers. This is a menacing enemy and it is time for you to see the complexity of fighting this natural beast is.
Of course the advantage you will have over the heroes who are fighting the fires is you can choose to fight or go to bed. They don't get that choice, but after playing this game you may not feel like you really have a choice either. In this intoxicatingly addicting strategy game you will have many late nights fighting these fires.

Medical Tip: "The big picture is that there are several dimensions on which Computer Games have effects; including the amount they are played, the content of each Game, what you have to pay attention to on the screen, and how you control the motions. Computer Games undeniably are but powerful Educational Tools and have many effects we might not have expected they could “(Gentile, 2008) ."

Screen Shots
Full Version Features:
  • Unlimited play on up to 5 computers - you own the game!
  • Instant activation so you can play right away with no additional downloads required if you have the trial installed!
  • No shipping, waiting or CD-ROM necessary.
  • 48-hour money back guarantee
  • Battle against the clock in more than 20 blazing challenges
  • Over 300 scenario variations in Random Play mode
  • Realistic fire physics that burn according to fuel type, wind and weather
  • Control fire fighters, bulldozers, water trucks, helicopters airplanes and more as you attempt to quash raging wildfires
  • A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each game go to fund the Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention Program

  Download Details

  • Win 2000/XP
  • 243 MB
  • 60 minute free trial

Download Now Buy 

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