Friday, August 15, 2014

Tachyon the Fringe

31. Tachyon the Fringe

Space Combat Sim Adventure
You're Jake Logan, a mercenary star pilot with a healthy taste for adventure and a flair for the dramatic!

In this space combat simulation game it's the 26th century, a time when humankind has long since left the friendly confines of Earth for the endless reaches of deep space.

Navigate a Tricky Territorial War
A territorial war has just erupted in the Fringe, the lawless area lying outside Sol, our home solar system, and both sides are in dire need of ace pilots like you!

Will you side with the separatist Bora people, who inhabit outlying asteroids, or the megacorporation GalSpan, which seeks to exploit the mineral-rich regions now held by the Bora?
With Tachyon: The Fringe, the choice is up to you, but choose carefully: your decision will ultimately determine your destiny!

Medical Tip: "The big picture is that there are several dimensions on which Computer Games have effects; including the amount they are played, the content of each Game, what you have to pay attention to on the screen, and how you control the motions. Computer Games undeniably are but powerful Educational Tools and have many effects we might not have expected they could “(Gentile, 2008) ."

Screen Shots 
Key Game Features: 
  • Unlimited play on up to 5 computers - you own the game!
  • Instant activation so you can play right away with no additional downloads required if you have the trial installed!
  • No shipping, waiting or CD-ROM necessary.
  • 48-hour money back guarantee

  Download Details

  • Win 2000/XP/Vista
  • 375 MB
  • 60 minute free trial

Download Now Buy 

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